

Bad day for Apple. Nokia, in fact, through a press release, is suing the company in Cupertino, saying that the iPhone does not meet certain patents related to GSM, UMTS and Wi-Fi.

The patents were violated and as many as 10 among them on the wireless transmission of data, encryption and the encryption of the voice signal that, according to Nokia, are not properly respected. Here are some words of Ilkka Rahnasto, Vice President, Legal & Intellectual Property Office:

The principle behind the mobile phone is that those companies that contribute to technological development by establishing standards of use, create the material covered by their own intellectual, for whom others must pay compensation. Even Apple is not exempt from following this principle. In refusing to use the intellectual property of Nokia in adjusted terms, Apple is trying to exploit free innovation from Nokia.

We just have to wait for the response from Apple and, as usual, as soon there will be news, alerts you via a new article.

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