

Jay Sullivan, vice president and developer of Firefox for smartphones, said in an interview that the mobile version of the browser will make the famous and the BlackBerry AppStore App World practically useless. As mentioned, in fact, the evolution of their software will implement some functions that are still present in versions for PCs and Macs, such as the rendering of HTML pages and JavaScript quite complex.

All this, according to Sullivan, will be a sudden surge of Web-App el ' "abandonment" of the code for a single operating system. Here are his words:

Many of the stores currently impose very strict guidelines or inconsistent, or, the limited distribution of equipment for which are thought not worth the cost of production for the specific platform. Developers are frustrated, forced to buy new devices for testing applications, pass tests and stages of approval for the iPhone. I think we will move anywhere. "

The mobile version of Firefox has been developed to run on any mobile platform and is currently marketed in beta with respect to how the Maemo mobile N900. We can well imagine that probably the only one not to be included it will be the iPhone to the strict standards imposed by Apple that prevent the installation of alternative browsers that could somehow compete with the already in Safari.

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